Palaeoclimatologist interested in the quantification of past climates, my work is focused on developing statistical techniques that quantify and integrate the major sources of uncertainties of proxy records (e.g. temporal, climatic or spatial) to derive more representative palaeorecords. The statistical framework that I have developed (see section CREST) illustrates this aspect of my work. Exploiting the flexibility of Bayesian statistics, the CREST method bears the promise to unlock the palaeoclimatic potential of the many key regions of the climate system where the application of the existing quantitative methods has been limited - when not impossible (e.g. drylands) - until now.
African Pollen Database meeting, Paris, France
14-16 October, 2019
MY LATEST RESEARCH (Last update 09/2019)

Chevalier 2019 (Glob. Plat. Change.)
In this paper, I present a new database of modern occurrence data that can be used to calibrate the CREST climate reconstruction technique. The database is free of use.

Elected-Secretary of INQUA PALCOM
It is with great honour that I have started my new mission as the secretary of the Paleoclimate Commission of INQUA (PALCOM). My role for this four-year mandate will be to be the contact of all the palaeoclimatology community and to support President Tom Johnson in its role. Join PALCOM!